Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Envisioning the Future of On-Demand Air Transportation
UBER Air aims to have it's first on-demand air travel demonstration to the public in year 2020. In a multidisciplinary team of 4 of interaction design, graduate transportation system design and graduate industrial design students, we were challenged to envisioned the future of on-demand air travel and design a holistic system of eVTOL, Skyport and Mobile interface to deliver a safe, hassle-free and convenient experience for busy commuters in Dallas, Dubai and Los Angeles.
Studying Hand Form and for Cane Handle Application
What are the factors that makes our hands feel stable and comfortable when we are holding onto things? How can we minimize strength and maximize grip? Will it be possible to create an universal form that satisfies these questions?
User Verification
Patients suffering from arthritis were brought into class to give feedback and comments on designs done by the class. Each went around the class and gave specific and honest thoughts and comments about the designs to students. Main goal of this project was to study about hand forms and to grasp a general idea of what arthritis can to the hands and what and how to design products used by them.