Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Envisioning the Future of On-Demand Air Transportation
UBER Air aims to have it's first on-demand air travel demonstration to the public in year 2020. In a multidisciplinary team of 4 of interaction design, graduate transportation system design and graduate industrial design students, we were challenged to envisioned the future of on-demand air travel and design a holistic system of eVTOL, Skyport and Mobile interface to deliver a safe, hassle-free and convenient experience for busy commuters in Dallas, Dubai and Los Angeles.
/all projects
FASTish: ArtCenter Formula-E 2017
Quickly learn and build
something that works to compete and win
Leveraging each other's strengths to create successful results. Formula-e project is designed to teach lessons in strategy, product development, science, engineering, design fabrication, branding and event planning.
Medical Products & Machines
Clean and functional medical products for the European market
At Wilddesign, we worked closely with major European medical firms to come up with functional and reliable product design solutions. Major responsibilities were to lead the projects through research, concept ideation and development phases.
Neighborly : Attentive Care Service
Peace of mind service for adult child living away from aging parents
Today, millions of American baby boomers are aging alone; this project encompasses how we can utilize digital technologies to create a system that allows adult children to be attentive to their aging parents while living apart.
iHealth: Blood Pressure Monitor
Making everyday personal healthcare clear and informative
Blood pressure monitors available in the market today can be difficult to use for many consumers. With iHealth, we developed a data-driven product that allows users to clearly understand information and their health conditions.
Runaway: MoMA Gift Items
Sharing ironic moments in life to trigger thoughts and conversations
We are living in a very fast-paced and regulated world of expectations that influence us to forget about our desires and motivations. The Runaway gift item represent ironic parts of our life that triggers thoughts to question ourselves.
ChitChat: Teledining Table
Young professionals to maintain a sense of belonging and community
Today, job search is no longer focused in a city or a country but at a global scale. How do we utilize the technologies available today to connect people and allow them to maintain a sense of belonging while maximizing their career opportunities?
Retirement: Qualitative Research
Understanding retirement to gain insights and opportunities
Retirement is a significant transition people go through in their lives and it is also a beginning of second part of life. I wanted to understand the desires and concern of people in this stage of life to gain insights to find design and business opportunities.