Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Hi, I'm Josh
I'm graduating from ArtCenter College of Design in December 2018 with a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a MBA in Innovation System Design.
I look at the world from user, business and technology perspectives to envision and create valuable future experiences.
Envisioning the Future of On-Demand Air Transportation
UBER Air aims to have it's first on-demand air travel demonstration to the public in year 2020. In a multidisciplinary team of 4 of interaction design, graduate transportation system design and graduate industrial design students, we were challenged to envisioned the future of on-demand air travel and design a holistic system of eVTOL, Skyport and Mobile interface to deliver a safe, hassle-free and convenient experience for busy commuters in Dallas, Dubai and Los Angeles.
Developing inspiration board to quickly deliver ideas
Before ideating our thoughts on sketches, we categorized several design directions to prevent us from getting lost or overlapping ideas while sketching. Several phases of moodboards were developed as we worked through the ideation phase and ideas became more clear and detailed.
Direction 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Direction 2 / White & Pure
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Direction 3 / Translucent
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Direction 4
Phase 1
Phase 2
Direction 5 / Warm & Light
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Quick Concept Modeling & Evaluation
Below are some quick modeling concepts to visualize our ideas in 3D that we found during the sketch phase. From this phase, we again narrowed down to 4 concepts to present and propose to our client.
Diversifying Concept Direction
Following are materials presented to LAVO on our first meeting. During this phase we focused on presenting various and wide design directions and clearly visualizing how these concepts may look. During this meeting, we were able to narrow down 2 concepts and we onto prototype verification phase after few adjustments.